John Buchan Story


Museum Highlights

On entering the John Buchan Story you will see cabinets such as the one shown here. But what kind of things are on display? What story are they telling? For example, one cabinet has a piece of the original “39th Step” – but from where? How do we know it is from the real 39 steps? Would you like to see more? Click on the link below to open a pdf document which will hopefully entice you to come along and see the real things! This document was written and developed by one of our friends, Hamish Muir.

John Buchan Story


Museum Highlights

On entering the John Buchan Story you will see cabinets such as the one shown here. But what kind of things are on display? What story are they telling? For example, one cabinet has a piece of the original “39th Step” – but from where? How do we know it is from the real 39 steps? Would you like to see more? Click on the link below to open a pdf document which will hopefully entice you to come along and see the real things! This document was written and developed by one of our friends, Hamish Muir.